Last Friday (I am in Malaysia, so we have the privilige to watch it one day early. SCORE!!!) I watched Harry Potter. I was alone, being jobless and my parents are not. A little apprehensive, I approached the ticket stand and bought one ticket.
When the time came, I entered, still apprehensive, the theatre. When the lights were turned out, the movie began. And I was transfixed on my seat for the entire breadth of the movie.
It was brilliant, to put it in a word. The magic is definitely in this movie this time. The ride inside the portkey, the quiddicth world cup, even the school has more screen time than most of its actors. And I simply cannot take my eyes of Madame Olympe Maxime. Is she really that tall?!
But the icing on the cake had to be Harry's confrontation with Voldemort(e?). It was beautiful, magical, terrifying and touching at the same time. Mr. Fiennes is the Voldemort(e?). Right down to his beautiful/terrifying hands.
I still haven't recovered from the movie, and still thinking of it...
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